Thursday 11 October 2012

Definition Of DIVA

Diva- is a celebrated female singer. The word was first used to describe women of outstanding talent in opera.
Origin of DIVA:
Italian: meaning Goddess, a female deity. The word was reported to enter the English language in the late 19th century.
Overtime however, it has been extended to women with outstanding talent in theatre, cinema and popular music. Today a diva is considered to be a woman who is usually glamorous and successful: a popular female performer or personality. A diva is very ”professional and has a low tolerance for incompetence”  according to the Urban Dictionary. Some say a diva is a “bitchy” woman, often rude and belittles people, must have her way exactly, is selfish, spoiled and overly dramatic.
A better definition of a diva is someone who exudes great style and personality with confidence. They do not allow others to influence who they are or want to be, their character makes them outstanding from others. And they would do whatever it takes to get what they want without allowing anyone to get in their way.

Related to DIVA
Synonyms: goddess, princess, queen

Some example of women who made their names known in the entertainment industry and are considered as divas , Cher, Diana Ross, Oprah, Barbara Streisand, Celine, Liz Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Whitney Houston, Beyonce Knowles etc.

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