Friday 12 October 2012

"Lotus" Christina Aguilera's New Album Cover

Rihanna isn't the only one who decided to go nude for her album cover.

31 year old Christina Aguilera has posed nude for her new album cover "Lotus". With her long flowing hair covering her chest and special graphics covering her her bottom half, she emerges from a Lotus flower.
With her hit single on this album "Your Body", Aguilera tweeted the release date for her album would be November 13th. Here is a peek at the cover art.

This is Christina's seventh studio album, she said that this album represents her being able to completely love herself. Being interviewed by MTV NEWS, "The Voice" star had this to say  "At this point of my life, I feel that I've reached a place where I'm completely embracing everything about who I am," she said, "and I'm having more of an understanding of myself."

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